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Eriacta is eriacta 100 safe 100mg ranbaxy l 70mg, and 5-mercaptopurine 100mg. The placebo (sugar) group consisted of tablets identical quality, appearance, and labelling had the same content of active ingredients but without any in the tablet or capsule. All participants were given a double-blind placebo control before the start of each 10 treatment periods. Subjects A total of 110 healthy volunteers were recruited from in-patients at the Department of Plastic Surgery (Cleveland Clinic) in Cleveland, Ohio over a period of 3 months. these, 80 were on antidiabetic treatment and 90 were treated with a conventional pharmacological treatment. These volunteers were all women and none had diabetes before the study. Experimental protocol The baseline examination was performed on subjects at baseline and 1 3 months after randomisation in the form of a 2-day inpatient stay. Subjects were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either 60 mg of Eriacta 60mg $48 - $0.8 Per pill each study drug (1 and placebo) or to receive placebo control tablets containing no active ingredients. Study drug and control tablets were given on the same day and subjects received the study tablets within 30 minutes of taking the morning washout dose of a usual test day and after the overnight fasting test on each day. the evening study day each subject underwent the blood draw and examination (see below). Subjects who were on antidiabetic treatment also provided with a double-bagged placebo pill which had a different label, but it had the same size and shape colour as usual study tablets and had identical labelling except for the statement that it was a placebo. Procedure Informed consent was obtained from each subject and all procedures were reviewed approved by the University of Michigan Institutional Rev