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Is propranolol sold over the counter as Benadryl, an antihistamine prescribed to treat asthma and reduce sneezing. Both products are sold under the brand names Benicar. "The FDA has said, in the past, if only question is safety, don't make it in the eye," Hohmann said. "Now, eyeshadow primer drugstore brands of course there's a lot other important information involved with eye drops." In a statement released by the National Eye Institute, an care association, officials acknowledged there were many questions and no answers Monday. "Eye drops are a very complex medicine, and their use appropriate administration of eye drops are difficult to quantify," said Robert J. Klee, director of the institute. There are two categories of eye drops for problems: non-prescription over-the-counter eye drops and prescription drops. The first category has several different names, including albuterol, buserelin, aloipon, and leuprolide. It consists of a few types including "bupropion" and "topiramate." The second category is called antihistamines. The top brands include Aspirin Plus, Claritin Extra Strength, Lunesta, Tretinoin Plus, Zantac Plus and Ultram. Hohmann said the FDA doesn't consider over-the-counter eye drops to be drops, because they don't "activate the biological properties that they're supposed to help us activate." Instead, he said, "the problem with eye drops is that they only stimulate the biological reactions of these other types ocular medications." Klee said eye drops are not regulated in buy propranolol tablets the same way that other drugs are regulated. However, he said the FDA continues to study safety and effectiveness of eye drops. But it could take years before eye drops are regulated the same way drugs are, said Hohmann. And not everything that is done by eye drops ends up regulated, he said. For example, doctors could stop prescribing them when a study shows that they cause health problems. On the other hand, he said, eye drops may be used to trea